Sony Research (2020-10 - Present)
Senior Research Scientist, working for Gran Turismo Sophy
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (2020-03 - 2020-07)
Research Assistant, worked for a custom backpropagation library: Proppo
Sony Corporation (2018-11 - 2020-07)
Part-time Resarch Engineer, worked for Super-human Gran Turismo AI and Neural Network Libraries
Ghelia (2018-04 - 2020-08)
Part-time Research Engineer, worked for reinforcement learning projects (e.g. robotics, numerical optimization)
Wantedly (2016-03 - 2018-11)
Part-time Web Developer, worked for front/backend development of and deep learning-based recommendation algorithms
MatchinGood (2014-10 - 2016-04)
Part-time Web Developer, worked for building Web systems
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (*Equal contribution)
Hojoon Lee, Youngdo Lee, Takuma Seno, Donghu Kim, Peter Stone, Jaegul Choo, "Hyperspherical Normalization for Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning", ArXiv Preprint, 2025
Hojoon Lee*, Dongyoon Hwang*, Donghu Kim, Hyunseung Kim, Jun Jet Tai, Kaushik Subramanian, Peter R. Wurman, Jaegul Choo, Peter Stone, Takuma Seno, "SimBa: Simplicity Bias for Scaling Up Parameters in Deep Reinforcement Learning", The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Spotlight, 2025
Miguel Vasco*, Takuma Seno*, Kenta Kawamoto, Kaushik Subramanian, Peter R. Wurman, Peter Stone, "A Super-human Vision-based Reinforcement Learning Agent for Autonomous Racing in Gran Turismo", 1st Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC), 2024, Outstanding Paper Award on Applications of RL
Paavo Parmas, Takuma Seno, Yuma Aoki, "Model-based Reinforcement Learning with Scalable Composite Policy Gradient Estimators", 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023
Takuma Seno, Michita Imai, "d3rlpy: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning Library", Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 315, 1-20, 2022
Paavo Parmas, Takuma Seno, "Proppo: a Message Passing Framework for Customizable and Composable Learning Algorithms", 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
James MacGlashan, Evan Archer*, Alisa Devlic*, Takuma Seno*, Craig Sherstan*, Peter R Wurman, Peter Stone, "Value Function Decomposition for Iterative Design of Reinforcement Learning Agents", 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
Peter R Wurman, Samuel Barrett, Kenta Kawamoto, James MacGlashan, Kaushik Subramanian, Thomas J Walsh, Roberto Capobianco, Alisa Devlic, Franziska Eckert, Florian Fuchs, Leilani Gilpin, Piyush Khandelwal, Varun Kompella, HaoChih Lin, Patrick MacAlpine, Declan Oller, Takuma Seno, Craig Sherstan, Michael D Thomure, Houmehr Aghabozorgi, Leon Barrett, Rory Douglas, Dion Whitehead, Peter Dürr, Peter Stone, Michael Spranger, Hiroaki Kitano. "Outracing champion Gran Turismo drivers with deep reinforcement learning", Nature, 602, 223-228, 2022
Ryuji Imamura, Takuma Seno, Kenta Kawamoto, Michael Spranger, "Expert Human-Level Driving in Gran Turismo Sport Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Image-based Representation", NeurIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2021
d3rlpy, an offline deep reinforcement learning library, founder,
nnabla, Sony's neural network library, contributor,
nnabla-rl, a nnabla-based deep reinforcement learning library, contributor,
nnabla-js, a JavaScript runtime for nnabla, founder,
Nota, a markdown note-taking app with simplicity, founder,
Keio University (2019-09 - 2023-09)
Ph.D, Computer Science
Keio University (2018-04 - 2019-09)
Master, Computer Science
Keio University (2014-04 - 2018-03)
Bachelor, Computer Science
Outstanding Paper Award on Applications of RL received from Reinforcement Learning Conference (2024)
Mitou Super Creator certified by Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA) (2021)
Mitou Creator selected by Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA) (2020)
Best Presentation Award given at Annual Conference in Japanese Neural Network Society (2019)
Student Encouragement Award given at Annual Conference in Information Processing Society Japan (2018)
Student Encouragement Award given at Human-Agent Interaction Symposium (2017)